When former LAPD officer Brett Anderson takes a job as head of security at an old apartment building in Bulgarias capital, Sofia, he soon begins to experience a series of bizarre and terrifying events. Once he begins to delve deeper into the buildings sinister history and investigate its shad...
Pete Versus Life是Channel 4台的一部喜剧。它讲述了年轻体育记者Pete Griffiths的挣扎生活,Pete发现自己的心态不够成熟,无法应付生活中各种复杂问题,他真的希望自己的生活像体育一样有确定的规则。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Pete Versus Life is a comedy drama series which follows the life of struggling young...
没有人出生在拉斯维加斯,这里只是沙漠中一个奇怪的地方,有些人很幸运留在了这里,有人则很不幸,也留在了这里,这里被人们称为“罪恶之城”。 Kim Davis(Shayla Beesley 饰)是一个迷失了自我的孤独女孩儿,没有人关注她,除了Ray Easler(Michael Madsen 饰)。Ray Easler是拉斯维加斯城中富有的人,他拥有很酷的...