Rusty Nail is back on the road again looking to punish injustice at every turn - and this time its with a group of hotheaded street racers on their way to the Road Rally 1000. As they drive through a desolate shortcut on the way to the race, an encounter with Rusty turns sour and soon he is t...
鬼肢解是一部泰国恐怖惊悚片,由GTH制作,这家公司在2004年也曾发行过热门的恐怖片鬼影。《鬼肢解》由Paween Purijitpanya执导,楚克·萨克瑞科(Chookiat Sakveerakul)编剧,他也曾执导过惊悚片《13 骇人游戏》。《鬼肢解》取材于泰国社会真实发生过的谋杀案,一位医生因杀害和分尸他的妻子,被判处死刑。演员之一...
心理学家凯尔文(Donatas Banionis 饰)在飞往索拉瑞斯星之前来到儿时的父母家与当年的索拉瑞斯飞行员亨利·伯顿(Vladislav Dvorzhetsky 饰)见面。伯顿警告凯尔文索拉瑞斯星上会有不可思议的奇事发生,但后者并不以为意。凯尔文离开前,当着父亲(尼古莱·格陵柯 饰)的面焚毁了...自己的个人物品。凯尔文到达索拉瑞...