Vali and Mina are 2 sisters who oppose everything. One is a singer dreamer and emotional. The other is a therapist, distant and rational. Their father ends up finding the perfect opportunity to bring them together and try to reconcile them
In a gritty near future, an ex freedom fighter reluctantly jumps back into the fold after discovering a disturbing secret that could bring down the company that owns the world.
今年秋季一部《午夜灵异录像》(Paranormal Activity)以一万多美元的超低成本在北美取得了一亿多美元的票房回报,让人啧啧称奇。眼下该片导演Oren Peli已经和派拉蒙公司再度签约,将让他们继续来发行自己的新片《51区》(Area 51)。 和《午夜灵异录像》一样,《51区》也是超自然惊悚片,不过其成本已经大幅攀升到...