居住在爱尔兰和英国部分地区的旅行者是一群有着游牧传统的族群,他们有着各自的传统,并对身为家族一份子有着深深的自豪感。尽管通婚将他们联系在一起,但是一旦起了冲突,唯一的解决办法就是赤拳格斗。导演Ian Palmer跟随旅行者部落成员长达12年之久,了解到一个长达数十年家族世仇的故事。这场家族冲突的中心人物...
一位面目丑陋不堪的老妇生下了一个相貌标致、拥有天使面孔的男婴。然而男婴的姐姐(朱丽娅·奥蒙德Julia Ormond饰)却声称孩子是自己的。处女生子的荒唐前提一旦成立,一连串不可思议的玄虚之事便相继发生,整个世界的秩序将不复存在。她先是宣称男婴为神之附体的圣婴,后是以圣母玛利亚自称,靠圣婴赚取钱财。当姐姐...
亚马逊排行榜的最畅销同志小说《Something Like Summer》已确定将被改编成电影。这部被称为美国版《十年》的小说以两个男孩的爱恨纠葛为主线。他们第一次见面就爱上对方,但囿于家庭和社会压力,先后成为朋友、恋人与仇敌,从十六岁到二十六岁,虐爱整整十年才最终走到 一起。在读者推荐名单中,它被认为塑造了“最成...
What Separates Us follows Danny (Bryan Ferriter) as he seems ready to commit to the austere existence provided to him after the death of his parents. He lives for his friends and the whiskey fueled rush of a midday brawl until he meets Parker (Shannon Mary Dixon), an art student at the local ...
Lorenzo, Blu and Antonio are three High School sophomores in a small city in the North of Italy. For three unique reasons, they are all outsiders.Antonio, 16 years old, is a well-built young man and a key player for his basketball team. Off the court though, he is seen as dense and dull on ac...
A tale of a suave, rich and a successful young business man Kamal who wants to break all hectic shackles around him to go on a vacation to Paris, France. In a boy meets girl story, destiny brings Kayal, an Indian girl brought up in France, into his life. Rajasekhar, Kayals father, runs a dete...
THE LXD(The Legion of Extraordinary Dancers 非凡舞团)原本是Jon M.Chu导演在YouTube上举行的一场全民级的舞蹈选秀,意在选出最专精和最身怀绝技的舞者,随着参加者的爆炸式增长,LXD已然成为一种文化现象,它也成为了有史以来参与者最多的电..