亚马逊排行榜的最畅销同志小说《Something Like Summer》已确定将被改编成电影。这部被称为美国版《十年》的小说以两个男孩的爱恨纠葛为主线。他们第一次见面就爱上对方,但囿于家庭和社会压力,先后成为朋友、恋人与仇敌,从十六岁到二十六岁,虐爱整整十年才最终走到 一起。在读者推荐名单中,它被认为塑造了“最成...
Lorenzo, Blu and Antonio are three High School sophomores in a small city in the North of Italy. For three unique reasons, they are all outsiders.Antonio, 16 years old, is a well-built young man and a key player for his basketball team. Off the court though, he is seen as dense and dull on ac...
本系列节目将纪录全球最具野心和愿景的工程建筑案是如何展开的。藉由各式各样的档案以及高解析度、专业拍摄的影片,节目里将叙述每项工程落成背后的精彩、戏剧性、充满英雄胆识的故事。由主要设计师、工程师、专案经理及工地人员,来说明他们如何克服挑战,打造现代最高、最长、最快和最复杂的工程建筑案。 当你阅读...
Aitana, Pierrick, Rita and Jorge are all in their twenties and all look for ways to make their nights in the city of Madrid a little less lonely. Set against a background of drugs, sex, multiple partners and different sexualities: four stories told without no borders between fiction and reali...
Thomas Sullivan Magnum, III grew up with a father in the Navy, who died when he was ten, and entered the Naval Academy at 18. Magnum, a third generation Naval officer, graduated the Academy, became a Navy Seal, and was sent to Vietnam. He made two life-long friends, Theodore "TC" Calvin and O...
While driving through the desert with his wife Carol Marvin to a military base to send the eleventh rocket to the orbit of Earth for helping the exploration of the outer space in the Operation Sky Hook, Dr. Russell A. Marvin and Carol see a flying saucer and accidentally records a message in...
故事发生在1948年的古巴,一次偶然中,钢琴师奇可(伊南·奥纳 Enan Oña 配音)结识了名叫丽塔(丽玛瑞·蒙内塞斯 Limara Meneses 配音)的年轻女子,丽塔美妙的歌声吸引了奇可的注意,心心相惜的两颗心碰撞出了爱情的火花。 一番波折之后,奇可和丽塔总算走到了一起,志同道合的两人决定共同经...