Our World War is a gripping factual drama series offering viewers first-hand experience of the extraordinary bravery of young soldiers fighting 100 years ago. Drawing on real stories of World War One soldiers it uses the visual techniques and imagery familiar from modern warfare – POV helmet ...
A comedy about two brothers, uptight Ed and playboy Cooper. Ed has a weekend to save his career, but Cooper has other plans for the weekend; to help his stressed out brother get lucky with the ladies. 一部关于生活状况不佳的Ed 和花花公子Cooper两兄弟的喜剧影片。Ed有一个周末的时间去保住他的饭碗...
本片讲述的是1789年的法国大革命的主要经过,重现了1789年从5月-8月期间,法国宫廷,全国三级会议和整个法国特别是巴黎、凡尔赛等地所发生的重大社会事件。本片涉及的人物很多,从法国国王路易十六及他的王后玛丽·安托瓦妮特,到很多三级会议的议员如:安托万·瓦纳尔等人大都是根据真实的历史人物塑造的,很多 议员...
Group of coeds go looking for fun at cabin on the lake and find the cabin wasnt always used for rest and relaxation.
When a student takes on a theology project, he taps into another side that had been hidden away from him