卢卡斯影业将打造全新星战短片合集《星球大战:幻象》(Star Wars: Visions,暂译)。9部短片将由日本几家不同的动漫工作室创作,将为星战引入不同文化视角。
由Pranakorn Film投拍的泰国古装动作片《烈血暹士2》讲述了一群保卫村子抵抗外来入侵的勇士们的故事,基本上泰国古装动作片历来并没有特别出彩的作品,除了《拳霸2》取得很好的票房收益之外,其它的片子票房和口碑都不太理想。但是这一次电影公司请来在泰国具有超高人气的网球运动员斯里查潘主演影片,想以他的高人...
Inspired by the cataclysmic Nigerian events of 40 years ago, this epic political thriller portrays the point of views of a respected army captain and his expectant wife when his coerced participation in a botched coup attempt makes national headlines.
Dominique, a well-trained assassin, flees from her troubled past in an attempt to begin a new life in South America. However, she soon finds herself in a town plagued with violence and corruption. Facing brutal attacks from the police and mafia, Dominique must decide whether to protect hersel...
A la mort de son père, Guillaume, commissaire de police, hérite du bowling familial. Il décide de le donner en gérance à son demi-frère répudié, Quentin. Le comportement pulsionnel de Quentin et son improbable gestion du bowling empêchent Guillaume de se consacrer pleinement à l’enquête sur u...
这部来自西班牙的15分钟短片,在今年的戛纳电影节上大放异彩。 据说短片放映完后,全场笑声、掌声、欢呼声热烈,让其它入围短片瞬间黯然失色。 最后,它也名正言顺地拿下了戛纳电影节短片金棕榈奖。 前段时间,中国著名导演贾樟柯创建了一个「全球电影短片中国首映平台」——“柯首映”。 就将《时间代码》作为平台正式...
When human tornado and food critic Liv is diagnosed with ‘catastrophic health’ – trapping her in Australia and jeopardising her dream job in New York – she throws herself body-first into a radical wellness journey, hell-bent on getting well to return home.