It's summer again, and everyone's favorite Junior Rescuers, The Flounders, are back at Tower 2. With the International Junior Rescue Championships headed to Southern California, the eyes of the entire planet are on Malibu Beach. But when Team USA falls victim to a bout of food poison...
Andy French is an aspiring cartoonist who has trouble holding a job or a girlfriend even while he rooms with two other eccentric roommates in an apartment in the Mission Hill area of the city of Cosmopolis. The fact that he has to house his obnoxiously precocious younger brother, Kevin, is n...
经过连年征伐,一代帝王明成祖朱棣(王心刚 饰)御驾亲征,平定西北,所向披靡。班师回朝途中,朱棣途中否决了锦衣卫指挥使纪纲荡平南洋十五国的建议,决定休养生息,与民为安。他遵从先帝的教诲,打算遣使修好。适逢此前苏禄国王(维克 饰)有意亲自来上邦朝见。与此同时,苏禄国正在修造大船,准备如期出航,谁知...