Planet Earth. USA. 2015. The natural oil resources are running out. The hatred between East and West has spread like a plague all over the world. The planet is on the brink of World War III. Major George Conrad, an obsessive war veteran and a patriotic chauvinist, is on a top secret mission t...
这是他们中学的最后一年,要证明很多事情。在泰国电影SuckSeed里,2个乐队竞争热浪音乐奖,不是闹着玩的中学乐队比赛。Bodyslam在1996年取得该比赛的冠军,现在已经跃升为泰国顶尖摇滚乐队之列。10年前,现在已经解散的摇滚乐队Clash也赢过此比赛的冠军。 在电影里"Kao" Jirayu La-ongmanee饰演的Ped受到喜欢女生Ear...
Bang, bang, you're dead. No, really dead. A group of twelve year old kids play war in a forest but the audience views the action through their eyes. They fire real machine guns, hear mortars exploding around them, and dodge bloody shrapnel from grenades. I Declare War is a movie for young...
A mall security guard -- and former federal agent -- crosses paths with a drug kingpins enforcer after he saves a woman from danger.
《暴力行动》(Bully)是一部讲述美国青少年在学校、街头包括家中遭受欺负甚至被虐待、射杀等严重问题的纪录片,目前MPAA将其定为R级(主要原因是语言粗俗)。但美国密歇根州高中的一位学生Katy Butler自发建立了一个网站,目前已经征集到了超过7万5千人的签名,请求MPAA将这部影片分级修改为PG-13,以便更多青少年...