The newest film from Greek director Syllas Tzoumerkas and his second collaboration with Angeliki Papoulia, star of the New Greek Cinema (Dogtooth, The Lobster), is a fierce and untamed crime tale, told in larger-than-life images. 柏林电影节全景单元
29 year-old Barnaby is jobless, broke, his girlfriend left him and he's living out of his car. Luckily for him, fate intervenes and he is reacquainted with Madison, an old friend. As she helps him turn his life around, romance brews.
The movie follows the original tale in a somewhat loose fashion, but manages to retain the majority of the images and action. A seminary student must survive three nights in prayer guarding the deceased witch maiden while she, along with an army of hellish demons, try to lure him out of his ...
黎巴嫩小村庄里的少年拉比,虽然双眼全盲却深具音乐天赋,因出国演 出需申请新护照,意外发现自己的身份证明是伪造!惊觉自己活在谎言 之中的惊恐与愤怒席卷而来,无论少年如何追问,却无人能说明真相。 在中东民谣的悠扬乐音中,少年唱出淡然却真切的哀伤及惆怅。导演透过盲眼者的比喻,影射黎巴嫩被战争撕裂及毁灭...
怀有身孕的艾丝特·伍德豪斯(艾丽西亚·拉斯姆森 Alexia Rasmussen 饰)完成了例行的孕期检查,谁知在回家路上遭到不明身份之人的袭击,凶手更残忍地攻击她的腹部,导致艾丝特尚未出世的孩子夭折。艾丝特孤身一人,无依无靠,当初的孩子也是通过精子库受孕得到。出院后她经人介绍了解到一个专为受过创伤的母亲而设的...
故事的背景设置在 1969 年。伊里亚斯(欧格斯·卡拉亚尼斯 Yorgos Karayannis 饰)是一名10 岁的雅典男孩,非常喜欢天文学和凡尔纳的小说。伊里亚斯十分崇拜他的父亲。他父亲是一名旅游推销员,在一次商务旅行中意外死于一场交通事故。伊里亚斯的父亲在离开前曾答应及时赶回家和他一起看登月的直播,他的意外死亡让...