The Internets Own Boy follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartzs help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartzs groundbreaking work in soc...
故事讲述一位不幸的公主在深宫中长大, 父王去世之后生活更加艰难, 但钻石般坚强的心智使她战胜困难, 最终找到了自己的幸福.
Disponible depuis ce vendredi 2 septembre sur Netflix, Chef’s Table: France nous emmène dans les cuisines étoilées de quatre chefs fran?ais, à la rencontre d’hommes et de femmes qui réinventent la sacro-sainte gastronomie hexagonale.L’innovation, sans renier la tradition. C’est tout le défi q...
Thomas Sullivan Magnum, III grew up with a father in the Navy, who died when he was ten, and entered the Naval Academy at 18. Magnum, a third generation Naval officer, graduated the Academy, became a Navy Seal, and was sent to Vietnam. He made two life-long friends, Theodore "TC" Calvin and O...
Danny Kelly is a talented swimmer attends a prestigious Melbourne private school on a sporting scholarship. Working class, half Greek and half Scottish, he cops his fair share of harassment from the privileged students. Danny yearns to win swimming gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He is...
BBC拟拍七集警匪剧《New Blood》,本剧由《Foyle’s War》编剧Anthony Horowitz创作,是一部涉及“Y一代”的奋斗故事,用局外人的视角展现现代伦敦的另一面。两个本在不同部门工作年轻警察Stefan和Rash,因两桩看似毫无关联的案件而产生交集,并携手对抗藏在合法外衣和律师保护下的富豪。
真实故事改编。一个少女Caitlin出现在Liz(Jennifer Beals)家门口并声称是自己丈夫(Gabe)和以前情人的女儿,而liz最近也刚因为精神崩溃经过医院治疗回到家中,跟高中生儿子AJ和做音乐却很久没有收入的丈夫的关系也十分紧张,她不得不接受这个陌生的女孩走进她的家庭。但随着一些奇怪的事情发生,Liz开始怀疑这个女...
While on her bachelorette party getaway, Casey, the bride to be, gets a seemingly harmless bite from an unknown insect. After returning home with cold feet, Casey tries to call off her wedding but before shes able to, she starts exhibiting insect like traits. Between her physical transformati...
西蒙·布莱纳(Josef Hader饰)陷入了人生的巨大僵局,只想找到一个能令他重归安宁的所在。他想起了自己在格拉茨的老家,那个他度过了少年时光却又因为某些原因长年没有再踏足的地方。对于这个私家侦探来说,还有哪儿能比家乡悠哉的呢?然而屁股还没坐热,一件件陈年旧事和年少时不可告人的秘密就接踵而至。在“少年老...
Love True pushes the documentary genre further into new realms as it looks into the opposing realities of the "True Love" fantasy. Does our view of love change as we grow older? How do we make decisions about our love lives? Is there such a thing as true love? Are there invisible partners in ...
每个大学校园宿舍里都有几个奇葩: 影片女主角青砚跟很多喜爱艺术的女生一样,有着自己的追求和梦想。她最大的梦想是在校园里办一场属于自己的个人演唱会,完成为自己挡车而死的妹妹未能实现的梦想。为了实现梦想,她努力挣钱,奔波在校园喝酒吧之间...... 四姐妹之一的贝贝,是众人口中所说的富二代、万人迷女神:...
An elderly woman has secluded herself in her remote home in the French countryside, when a young foreign couple on vacation suddenly intrudes on her isolated life.
Following a meltdown that leads to a suspension, professional golfer Zoe Papadopoulos travels to her grandparents village in Greece to escape the harsh spotlight of the international sports world. Between baking bread and eating baklava, she meets and mentors a ten-year-old girl who is determ...
Sent to spend the summer on a remote and mysterious island, teenage brothers embark on a thrilling treasure hunt to restore their familys lost fortune.
继澳大利亚大型教会新颂教会与相对论传媒(Relativity Studios)合作开展项目新闻传出后,其第一部电影“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起”(Hillsong: Let Hope Rise)将于5月首映。在相对论传媒负责监制该片的马特·阿尔瓦雷斯(Matt Alvarez)周三表示,整个工 作室因为这部备受期待的电影“非常激动”,“新颂乐队 - 让希望崛起...
The film tells the story of Pedro Poveda (Raúl Escudero), a tenacious and innovative priest who opens paths in the field of education and in the defense of the rights of women in early twentieth century Spain. UNESCO recognized him in 1974 as "Educator and Humanist" and Pope John Paul II cano...
查理(保罗·霍根 Paul Hogan 饰)是个固执又任性的老头子,生活的不如意让他丧失了热情,每日都在郁郁寡欢之中度过。看到父亲的精神状态如此之糟糕,身为儿子的布茨(肖恩·雅各逊 Shane Jacobson 饰)心里十分着急,尽管父子两人之间有诸多的争执,感情十分淡漠,可毕竟血浓于水,布茨决定主动出击,改变这一现状。 ...