前美国海军特种部队米高亚当斯, 在一次拯救行动中在北韩被俘掳, 三年后获释回国, 满以为可重过正常生活, 可惜好景不常, 妻子竟被人在脑里植入微型炸弹, 藉此威胁他去行刺一个美国参议员, 否则炸弹就会自动引爆! 这时, 他只剩下不够12小时....
由Gabe Turne执导、Rizzle Kicks的成员Harley Alexander-Sule倾情出演的暴力惊悚片《黑帮大佬》讲述了两代伦敦黑帮的冲突,揭示了犯罪生活的险恶和无可奈何。 近期,黑帮交易的冲突不断升级,交易的工具也从刀片发展到枪支武器。当得知老朋友不幸受到攻击时,金盆洗手的黑帮大佬(Doug Allen饰演)不得不重出江湖捍...
[ IMPACT 20140801-Destination X 2014 ] TNA世界双打冠军赛The Wolves (Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards) vs. The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)TNA X组别致命三重威胁赛DJ Z vs. Low Ki vs. ManikTNA X组别致命三重威胁赛Homicide vs. Samoa Joe vs. Tigre UnoTNA世界重量级冠军赛Lashley vs. Austin Aries
As the Dragon Master, Po has endured his fair share of epic challenges but nothing could prepare him for his greatest one yet-as a Kung Fu teacher to a group of rambunctious kids from Panda Village who have been imbued with a mysterious and powerful chi energy. Together they embark on amazing...
12 year old Travis Barclay and his little sister Whitney are sent begrudgingly on a summer trip to visit their grandparents farm in Delbert County. A greedy land developer, Norm Blandsford, has been buying up the little country town, running the hard working residents off their land. After Tr...