改编自著名角色的《神探南茜 Nancy Drew》讲述18岁的Nancy Drew(Kennedy McMann饰)高中毕业后满心以为自己能离开家乡往大学去,但家庭惨剧却令她计划被拖延一年,不过留在家乡的她在调查凶案的过程时,却发现背后所隐藏的秘密。
FOX宣布续订医务剧#The Resident##住院医生#第二季。
This is just a mini series. That sucks bad. This show is by far the most sexiest show on TV right know,It has girl on girl sex,guy on guy sex,girl on guy sex. The violence has more of a real aspect to it then the other crap cop shows like ncis/law and order..etc.. And its Canadian Support the...
在纽约打击犯罪的战争中,最凶残的罪犯是由重案组负责追捕的... 《Law& Order: Criminal Intent(法律与秩序:犯罪倾向)》就是描写重案组的故事.《Law & Order: Criminal Intent(法律与秩序:犯罪倾向)》是美国电视史上播映时间最长的犯罪剧集《Law & Order(法律与秩序)》的第二部衍生剧,于2001年9月30日在美...
本剧2013年播出仅一季,故事讲述四个二十多岁的北爱尔兰年轻人在伦敦的生活,由《德里女孩Derry girl》编剧Lisa McGee执笔。
In this new three-part series, Simon Reeve travels across the worlds biggest country, Russia. On the centenary anniversary of the Russian Revolution, Simons journey will take him from the snow-capped volcanoes of the far east, through some of the remotest parts of our planet, to the great cit...