n 1989, Lara, 16, is expelled from an English boarding school for injuring a classmate. Her estranged father, Dr. Hill, an art historian, must now take her along on a research expedition across the Iron Curtain. Their destination is the Castle von Karnstein: Once an opulent 19th century mount...
导演Franck Richard 第一次触电长片便是这部《La Meute》。该片集科幻与恐怖、神怪与惊悚于一体。被影片联合导演Franck Ribière称为“神怪西部片”。 Franck Richard在《La Meute》中糅合了各种类型和风格 :“从童年时代起,我就非常喜爱类型片。这个名字今天被误读了,在以前它并不单纯指恐怖片,而是包罗万象,既包括...
供职于国家电影资料馆的影片管理员大卫·威廉(鲁珀特·伊文斯 Rupert Evans 饰),在五年前和美丽的妻子爱丽丝(汉娜·霍克斯特拉 Hannah Hoekstra 饰)搬入一幢拥有上百年历史的老房子。此后的生活平淡如水,夫妻二人共同孕育出可爱的儿子比利(Calum Heath 饰)。某天,大卫为一部警方影片做记录时,意外发现自家的...
风和日丽的一天,杰克和艾丽(Katrina Bowden 饰)等8名大学生驱车来至莫里斯湖的森林度假。这里据说在20年前曾发生一起惨绝人寰的大屠杀,这个传说让这群看惯类似题材恐怖电影的男女们惴惴不安,而途中偶遇的两名当地青年也让他们心有余悸。那两名青年名叫托克(Alan Tudyk 饰)和戴尔(Tyler Labine 饰),是一对...
When Margaret (Wainwright) and Ben (Gilford) take a weekend trip with longtime friends Ellie (Crew) and Thomas (Santos) and their two young children (Guiza and Mattle), Ben begins to suspect something supernatural is occurring when the kids behave strangely after disappearing into the woods ...
A young widow moves into an old house on Lake Erie to recover from the sudden loss of her husband; however, she soon discovers a dark secret and that she is not alone.
When a supernatural cult threatens Earth, Alice must assemble a team of fairy tale villains to face the literal forces of Death.
What happens when you ask the most powerful computer program, run by the most powerful computers, to follow, listen and predict human behavior? The program learns, becomes sentient and begins to behave like a human. When a master computer program, Echelon, takes over Americas entire online sy...