In a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. However, the peace of this utopian world will be disrupted by a methodical killer who seems to have discovered the only flaw in this system.
It is an action film directed and stared by Wayne Crawford. Two Los Angeles cops, an aging slob (Wayne Crawford) and his cocky young partner (Martin Hewitt), are suspended from duty after inciting an incident at a chop shop. The two decide to track down the owner (James Hong), and follow him ...
芬兰边境上的Korvatunturi山是传说中圣诞老人的故乡,而本片讲述的正是深埋在Korvatunturi四百八十六米以下的关于圣诞的秘密! 在一个芬兰的圣诞节前夜,圣诞老人在一次考察“世界上最大的古坟”的考古工作中被挖掘出来。接下来,在发掘地所在地,一系列神秘的事件发生,当地有人被神秘的杀害,孩子们开始从镇上失踪。...
本片描写了纳瑞宣国王是泰国人最尊敬的伟大的国王,他的事迹广为传说。从1555年出生开始,到1605年他的统治结束。他1592年在素攀武里进行的的那次卓越的战斗中,杀死了缅甸王子,摆脱缅甸人的统治。泰国人民为了纪念他的丰功伟绩,在大成(Ayutthaya)建立了72米高的佛塔。 16世纪,大成(Ayudhaya)王国的国王Maha Th...