泰国拉达那哥欣期间, 麦克(马里奥·毛瑞尔 饰)被征入伍,留下怀孕的妻子娜娜在乡间生活。战争结束后,他带同四位战友东、南、西、北回到家乡,与妻子“娜娜”重遇,妻子手中还抱着已诞生的儿子蛋蛋。一家人以为又快快乐乐地生活,四位好友亦打算留下当地展开新生活。 可是不久便传出娜娜原来在麦克征战期间因难产 死...
Susi Q loves to travel. To dance. To get drunk. She loves women. She loves her best friend. She loves life! And now all that should suddenly change? Because she"s getting "too old"? Take responsibility - Settle down with someone - Live a normal life - Like everyone else? NotSusi Q loves to tr...
TS(杰瑞米·伦敦 Jeremy London 饰)的一句戏言导致女友博兰蒂不得不参加她父亲的电视相亲节目,而这也使他们的旅行计划泡汤,愤怒的TS甩手而去,找到老友鲍迪(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)寻求安慰。鲍迪的情况也很糟糕,女友蕾娜厌倦了他无所事事沉迷于漫画和电子游戏,果断分手去寻找浪漫爱情。失意的TS与鲍迪选择逛...
Fishing Naked is a comedy. It is a film about four young adults being bad in the woods. They pull Bigfoot hoaxes| scare tourists| disrespect their elders| hook up and smoke dope. That is until they realize there is an alien creature they have inadvertently put in harms way with all the attent...