自1985年开始,大批科学家涌向偏远的富产珍珠的卡特哈克岛,在此进行各种试验研究。直到1988年,致命流感在世界范围内蔓延,为了拯救人类,科学家们召集一群志愿者在卡特哈克岛进行转基因疫苗的试验。他们将一种寄生虫注入人类体内以增强体质,试验虽然初见成效,但大多数参与试验的人员都死于非命。 杰米· 阿克曼(...
A group of young offenders are delivered to an island for a week of character building exercises after one of their fellow inmates commits suicide.. It all goes horribly wrong when they realise that there′s someone else on the island who has a pack of dogs and a crossbowwith which to hunt the...
本剧是迷你剧《圣殿春秋》(Pillars of the Earth)的续篇,同样根据Ken Follett的小说改编。Cynthia Nixon、Miranda Richardson、Peter Firth主演该剧,Ben Chaplin、Charlotte Riley、Rupert Evans、Megan Follows、Nora von Waldstaetten、Oliver Jackson-Cohen、Tom Weston-Jones和Sarah Gadon参与演出。这部八...
西蒙·布莱纳(Josef Hader饰)陷入了人生的巨大僵局,只想找到一个能令他重归安宁的所在。他想起了自己在格拉茨的老家,那个他度过了少年时光却又因为某些原因长年没有再踏足的地方。对于这个私家侦探来说,还有哪儿能比家乡悠哉的呢?然而屁股还没坐热,一件件陈年旧事和年少时不可告人的秘密就接踵而至。在“少年老...
根据鲁茂·戈登的原作改编,让·雷诺阿的首部彩色长片,是他和他的侄子摄影师在印度境内拍摄的影片,也是让·雷诺阿的一次感官与视觉之旅。 故事围绕三个年轻女孩的成长忧伤出发,让·雷诺阿以细致的笔触叙述古老孟加拉河流域的传奇故事。影片直接启发了一代印度大师萨蒂亚吉特·雷...
The protagonist is Checco, a man who since he was a child was brought up with the myth of a permanent job. Life Checco runoff between the commitment to the provincial office of his country and a girlfriend who does not plan to marry. One day, however, things change and the spending review wil...