Passionate Emma and impulsive but introverted Tomáš fall in love. They are like two missing puzzle pieces coming together. But Emma’s pornographic past inevitably catches up with them.
用另一个角度,另一段历史,来怀缅9•11,来激励人们继续齐心向前。 就在世贸大厦和五角大楼遭到恐怖袭击的那个黑色日子,新闻报道了一场灾难——93航班被恐怖分子劫持,之后坠落在宾夕法尼亚洲,机上45人全部罹难。 社会广泛猜测,航班上的恐怖分子本来打算把飞机用以袭击华盛顿。 然而机上所有乘客和工作人员却一致抗...
In a complex tale of interweaving relationships, a Greek immigrant in London explores the meaning of what it is to love and heal. Poised follows the story of Aris, a gay Occupational Therapist who carries the weight of a previous relationship gone wrong. Yet, a chance encounter with Richard ...