Ronald s high school valedictory address praises books and condemns sports. His girlfriend Mary condemns his attitude. He fears losing her to rival Jeff, decides to go to college and pay more attention to sports. 冷面笑星-巴斯特基顿:出生于杂耍演员家庭,从小受到杂耍和滑稽表演的影响。稍长,随...
In the throes of a zombie apocalypse, a troubled woman from Las Vegas with a dark past finds herself stranded in the desert with a lone and ravenous zombie on her tail.
When a student takes on a theology project, he taps into another side that had been hidden away from him
Oui(帕姆瓦瑞·尤德卡默尔 饰)的父母相继去世后,她来到了曼谷,与她的亲戚Bua同住。同样是家庭破碎的Aunt Bua(Amora Purananda 饰)先后失去自己的丈夫和儿子后,以占卜来维持生计。对她而言,能相依为命的就只有自己的外甥女Oui。Oui对于自己的新生活甚不习惯,常常受到工作和自 己的新居所排斥。为了减压,她不...
Shelly needs to catch a killer in order to prove her innocence in her brothers murder. Along the way she meets love, sorrow, and prosecution. A journey of self perception as she finally realizes her destiny.
一位面目丑陋不堪的老妇生下了一个相貌标致、拥有天使面孔的男婴。然而男婴的姐姐(朱丽娅·奥蒙德Julia Ormond饰)却声称孩子是自己的。处女生子的荒唐前提一旦成立,一连串不可思议的玄虚之事便相继发生,整个世界的秩序将不复存在。她先是宣称男婴为神之附体的圣婴,后是以圣母玛利亚自称,靠圣婴赚取钱财。当姐姐...
A tale of a suave, rich and a successful young business man Kamal who wants to break all hectic shackles around him to go on a vacation to Paris, France. In a boy meets girl story, destiny brings Kayal, an Indian girl brought up in France, into his life. Rajasekhar, Kayals father, runs a dete...