英国剧作家JB Priestley的经典话剧改编成的电视电影。1912年的一个夜晚,富商柏令一家正在庆祝女儿的订婚,突然一位督查来访,声称是来询问一桩自杀事件的信息。然而随着问话的进行,这件看似与柏令家毫无关系的事件,却引出了一个一个秘密...而最后的真相,究竟是什么?
In the fifth season of the British espionage thriller, Harry Pearce and Adam Carter begin to suspect that members of the British establishment are creating a crisis in order to bring about a change of government. In the opening episodes Juliet Shaw encounters a car bomb, and her life is chang...