A fast-paced, dark dramedy following six lovable degenerates, their terrible choices, often hilarious and tragic consequences, and unexpectedly interwoven lives. 一个快节奏的、黑暗的dramedy以下六个可爱的堕落,可怕的选择,往往热闹和悲剧性的后果,并意外地交织在一起的生活。
粘土动画定格大作。以马克吐温与哈雷彗星的因缘为基点,讲述马克吐温与几位童鞋乘坐飞艇访问彗星的奇妙冒险。其中穿插了马克吐温若干作品的动画戏说:The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Mysterious StrangerThe Damned Human RaceThe Diary of Adam and Eve (Letters from the Earth)Captain Stormfield’s Visit to H...
Based on true events seven year old Adrian is growing up in the underground drug scene of the Austrian city Salzburg, famous for culture and classical music. His mother Helga is torn between her drug addiction and her love and dedication for her son. Despite of this environment Adrian has a h...