Based on true events seven year old Adrian is growing up in the underground drug scene of the Austrian city Salzburg, famous for culture and classical music. His mother Helga is torn between her drug addiction and her love and dedication for her son. Despite of this environment Adrian has a h...
Die Stra?en von San Francisco war eine US-amerikanische Krimi-Fernsehserie, von der in den Jahren von 1972 bis 1977 insgesamt 119 Episoden zu je 45 Minuten entstanden. Sie startete in den USA mit dem Pilotfilm am 16. September 1972. In Deutschland lief die Serie ab 1974 im ZDF. Die Titelhelde...
这部记录剧是《纽约黑帮纪实》(The Making of The Mob: New York)的续篇,故事讲述了黑帮头目Al Capone早年在纽约的发家史,后来他将大本营迁到了芝加哥,与童年时代的导师共同控制芝加哥的犯罪世界。禁酒令颁布之后,这座城市的黑帮团伙为了垄断私酒生意而发生火拼,Capone决心挑战所有的竞争对手。他的实力在武...
The Psi Corps and President Clark, whose government has discovered Shadow vessels buried in Earths solar system, begin to harness the vessels advanced technology. The Clark administration continues to become increasingly xenophobic and totalitarian, and uses a military incident as an excuse t...