在加拿大土生土長的印度移民後代 Sid 於邁入中年前,決定不再抑壓自己、不再虛有其表地以男性身份過生活。開明的父母雖對 Sid 的決定表示支持,但一直期盼Sid有天會結婚生子的母親仍難掩失望、時常在閒談間吐露渴望抱孫的心情。另一邊廂,十四歲少年 Ralph 在偷看母親的日記後,認定十多年前曾與母親約會的Sid就是他...
“ At the beginning of the film, the life of Alexeev develops gradually with numerous flashbacks, amorous scenes, unveiling of the Sixtiers (Soviet generation with liberal and anti-totalitarian views) and ends with an unexpected twist of the plot. Once, the key hero gets to know himself better...
Tik为了逃避父亲为他安排上的军事学校而不得不假扮成女生,并自愿加入了“Curry Angel”这个学校中前卫的人妖组合。至于Nan则是Noni的孪生妹妹,并且刚刚从国外回来。见到Nan的时候Tik就爱上了她,在努力跟Nan亲近了之后才知道原来Nan讨厌男生,因为她觉得男人常常说谎!这使得Tik不敢将自己假扮成人妖这件事告诉Nan。...
Back in the 80s, five friends cause raucous in their schooldays. Twenty years on and they've got jobs they don't want and wives who don't want them. The leader of the gang, Frankie, is now dying in Yorkshire. The others find out and they get together for one last sad, mad, bad road trip to De...