Eleanor(Chloe Partridge)是一个15岁的普通女孩,和父亲以及祖母住在一起。在暑假时,她遇到了Alexia(Lily Loveless),一个邻近市建住房群的富家女孩。尽管来自完全不同的社会背景环境,她们成为了要好的朋友,并逐渐不再仅仅是朋友。影片改编自导演凯特·连恩的亲身经历,讲述了两个青春期女孩开始于一个燥热夏季的...
G.J. Echternkamp tells the story of his relationship with his parents, his mother Cindy (Russo) and his step-father, Frank (Platt). Frank used to be a member of OXO, a band from the '80s whose one hit wonder scored with the song "Whirly Girl". Cindy was the ultimate groupie who...
The Palm Desert band Eagles of Death Metal was performing at the Bataclan theater in Paris in November 2015 when terrorists opened fire, killing 89 people. The best friends who formed the band lead us through the horror and its aftermath in this moving documentary about the power of friendshi...
由法国探索片女导演艾曼纽·贝尔科改编自发表于2008年因争议内容而引起全法关注的、署名为“劳拉·D小姐Mademoiselle Laura D.” 的同名小说。 据这位“匿名”的巴黎大学现代语言专业的作者称,她不得不靠卖淫所得来支持她完成学业。
Take New York City, add every horrifying beast, science-fiction freak, and fantasy faerie, shake thoroughly, and youve got Ugly Americans.3月17日,喜剧频道将播出新动画剧《丑陋的美国人》(Ugly Americans)。该剧讲述热心肠的社会工作者Mark Lilly帮助刚刚来到纽约的「市民」融入美国社会的故事。你也注...
TNT宣布正式预订《青年莎士比亚》(Will)10集,并公布了首个预告片。该剧描述威廉-莎士比亚(Laurie Davidson,戏剧学院的在校生,今年7月才正式毕业)年轻时代的故事。16世纪80年代,20出头的莎士比亚来到暴力和诱惑并存的伦敦,他的天赋将遭遇观众、宗教狂热和穿插表演(Side-Shows)的挑战。该剧将用现代声轨来...