I ask no favors for my sex… All I ask of our brethren is that they will take their feet from off our necks.—Sarah Moore Grimké, activist for women’s suffrage, 1837As the United States Supreme Court leans increasingly to the right, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vigorous dissenting opinions and...
Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity. For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant s...
Dave"s a petty criminal living on drugs and violence in London. When his actions kill his best friend, he"s propelled into feelings of shame and remorse. Discovering Islam, he begins to find peace but his old life comes back to test him.
In this film, a couple, after seeing the lovely job a friend of theirs has done in converting an old mill house into a cozy mansion, moves into an old farmhouse after persuading the current owner, an old man, to leave. When they arrive, he appears to be preparing to leave, but it soon become...