In a dilapidated cyberpunk city plagued by crime and corruption, an unscrupulous District Attorney is savagely murdered and tossed out of a building onto his brand new car.Mysteriously, the District Attorney and his car come back to life as a single being with a thirst for vengeance. The eeri...
Mars et Avril takes place in a Montreal of the future when humanity is ready to move to Mars. But, not everyone is ready to go. Jacob Obus, a charismatic and beloved septuagenarian, leader of the anti-cybernetic movement, takes pride in slowing down time. He plays captivating music on instru...
A ‘chance’ meeting in the street, give you the opportunity to Agata and Marc to help each other to overcome the inertia of their lives. Tired of going from bed to bed and boy to boy, Agata is confronted with the challenge of staying, not flee to problems. But Agata does not know ...
As the seasoned infantry and tank units of the German 11th Panzer "Ghost" division move silently into position on the snow covered hills around Nennig Germany ,a battle weary GI and his unit stand ready to defend the small town, a key position in the Allied advance to win the war. Outgunned a...
1956 年的魁北克。新手私人侦探耐莉马洛耶和研究科学家西蒙皮卡德的命运在他们意外相遇后开始交织。笨拙却直觉性高的耐莉和有条理却强迫症的西蒙开始探索大雪怪,雄心勃勃的赞助人爱德华·马蒂诺资助了这次探索。西蒙拿着弗莱德·诺顿难以辨认的日志。他是一位坚信曾看到过传说中动物的阿尔卑斯登山家...
Summer vacation, friends Toto and Quique have fun, driving a bike in the neighborhood, and spying for the pretty maid Chabelita. But at one moment in the house appears Totos cousin, which is destined to turn upside down the usual life of a boy ...