平凡的小警察汤姆得过且过,他喜欢穿上动物外套快乐歌舞。汤姆的女朋友是电视台的纪录片导演,被拍摄对象不予配合以及领导的苛责让她烦恼非常。足疗师克劳德(Michael Maertens 饰)为生计辛苦奔波,和那些老人在一起他便变得喋喋不休。颇有些洁癖和神经质的多米尼克(Leonard Scheicher 饰)和女友娜塔莉(Carla Ju...
A young New Yorker falls in love with the daughter of his father's nemesis, setting in motion a Romeo and Juliet-like forbidden romance.
1590年,科罗拉多派遣由弗纳多•德加玛将军(Miguel Martinez 饰)率领的一千人部队,进入传奇的黄金城市埃尔多拉多寻找黄金,但他们遭遇了骷髅军团的袭击,一千人无一生还。 时间推至现代,戈登教授(Miguel Martinez 饰)率领一群年轻人组织的考古队前来寻找黄金城旧址,受到三个开着越野吉普的年轻人的胁迫,考古...
Umberto Lenzi is undoubtedly the king of Italian crime movies, but unfortunately; Syndicate Sadists is not the best examples of his work in this genre. Lenzi's crime flicks tend to be a cut above the rest because he makes films based on stories with a point, and they don't lack direc...