Imagine being able to watch as Edison turned on the first light bulb, or as Franklin received his first jolt of electricity. For the first time, a film gives audiences a front row seat to a significant and inspiring scientific breakthrough as it happens. Particle Fever follows six brilliant s...
BLAZE YOU OUT focuses UT focuses on a young womans journey to find her missing sister in the heart of a brutal underworld controlled by the heroin trade. The story takes place in the beautiful Esperanza Valley in Northern New Mexico, a basin which belies an underling sickness, a sinister insi...
Given the opportunity to visit her estranged family on Christmas Eve 1996, Kristin Cartwright hopes to change her past in order to improve her current life in 2013.
Dave"s a petty criminal living on drugs and violence in London. When his actions kill his best friend, he"s propelled into feelings of shame and remorse. Discovering Islam, he begins to find peace but his old life comes back to test him.
故事梗概: 刚从学校毕业的瓦尔娃拉决定到西伯利亚的乡村当教师,她的决定得到了未婚夫的赞同。但由于未婚夫马尔蒂诺夫参加革命被关进监狱,瓦尔娃拉只得一人孤身前往。在那个偏远的小山村,人们对孩子的教育并不重视,对瓦尔娃拉也非常排斥。 一晃三年过去了,经过瓦尔娃拉的努力孩子们终于走进了学校,家长们也...
本季开篇就让观众忍不住猜想:看起来只是阿什公馆的普通清晨,结果却出人意料。这一季中,有哪些秘密会被揭开,又有哪些秘密将永远封存? 巴特:为了使詹姆斯的性向不为人所知,乔治给了巴特一笔封口费。贪婪的巴特想继续勒索,却在几天后被人发现死在河边。 莎拉:第一季中,有着神秘身世的故事莎拉·亚当斯在游轮上...
33岁的母亲Debbie Maddox意外发现自己来到一个神奇的新世界,这里到处是稀奇古怪的角色,她的身边只有一个矮小的精灵肯帮助她。 Debbie以为自己疯了……因为一个过分热情的精灵出现在她家厨房的壁橱里,声称另一个世界需要她,她是他们的救赎者——「特别之人」(The Special One)。 Debbie认为精灵弄错了,但跟他走一...
In 1932 Alice Whelan, fleeing a faithless husband in England and passing herself off as a widow, arrives with her baby in Simla, India, where her brother Ralph is private secretary to the Viceroy. On the train she meets the missionary Dougie Raworth and his waspish wife Sarah with their young...