As the daughter of an underground hip-hop legend who died right before he hit big, Bri’s got massive shoes to fill. But it’s hard as she is labeled a hoodlum at school, and faces financial crisis after her mom loses her job. So Bri pours her anger and frustration into her first song, which g...
История о подвиге лётчиков 1-го минно-торпедного авиационного полка ВВС Балтийского флота во главе с полковником Преображенским. У них была сложнейшая боевая задача – нанести первые бомбовые удары по Берлину, столице фашистской Германии.
Nick Newell, a one-armed MMA fighter gets a rare chance to fight for the lightweight championship. He strives to win for himself and all the other people in the world with physical challenges.
A village in Ukraine, near the Russian border. The only thing that slightly disturbs the peace there is the occasional death of an elderly person. That is also why Anatoly returns there: to take care of his dying mother.