庞格 (威查宇˙里拉塔纳蒙肯 饰)是位内向的高中生,虽不擅长踢足球但为了满足父亲的期望而硬着头皮加入校队。而相反的,萍珂 (珠拉瑞˙汉蓉柔 饰)是个个性直率且热爱足球的女孩,她因爱慕校队的队长-彼克(洽查威˙德查卢朋 饰),一心希望能进入校队,但碍于性别的关系而无法成功加入。但在一次偶然地意外中,庞格和萍珂...
本片是对由几个灵异现象调查者和他们忠犬组成的史酷比式队伍的恶搞。 眼看队伍就要破产了,他们被请去调查偏僻的凯泽豪宅中发生的一系列怪事,这里也是被邪教和活人祭祀的传言所笼罩的一所教会学校。他们是揭穿鬼故事骗局的专家,尽管很多迹象表明,这次不像以往那样,是开发商为了赶走房主而扮鬼,他们仍然投入进了...
Ronald Miller is tired of being a nerd, and makes a deal with one of the most popular girls in school to help him break into the "cool" clique. He offers her a thousand dollars to pretend to be moxia.cc his girlfriend for a month. It succeeds, but he soon learns that the price of p...
地震学家杰克与未婚妻凯伦前往湖边小镇度假,却意外在湖边发现一具焦黑的尸体及疑似爆炸烧毁的游艇残骸后,原来不远处因开採疏失意外挖掘出了一条埋在地底深处的鋰矿脉,鋰矿只要一接触到水就会马上引爆火焰,而这条矿脉竟然就埋在湖底下! 小镇地底四处窜出致命毒气,引爆无坚不摧的炬火,正当军方下令封锁此地区时...
Alexis composes music through torture and pain. As a child, the brutal murder of her family made her regain her previously-lost hearing along with synesthetic abilities. Now as an adult, she’s told she might lose her hearing again, so she escalates her gruesome sound experiments in a quest t...
In Mario Van Peeble's new film "Redemption Road", two seemingly different men (Academy Award Nominee Michael Clarke Duncan, Morgan Simpson) embark on a music-steeped journey through the American South, learning along the way that life isn't about where you end up - it's...
泰国搞笑顽皮鬼团队最新搞笑电影 《名媛风暴》的恐怖和血腥的恐怖故事开始于Phojaman (Ko Tee Aram Boy),一个可爱的小女孩,从一个乡村旅行到曼谷。为了继续按照他父亲生前的遗愿学习,他允许波特贾曼和母亲阿姆拉帕·普鲁普哈纳莱一家住在巴安多克·迈通府,这是一个神圣的地方阿姨。然后,当波贾曼走进来来到通的...