Two strangers met, fell in love fast, and have to decide after three years where their relationship is really going. Will they give up on love or continue to make it last? All of You is sure to make you fall in love over and over again.@www.jiaosm.com
Modern day teens Mack and Brady get a real world visit from Lela, Tanner, Butchy, and other surfer and biker pals from the beach party film within a film, West Side Story.
Based on the best selling series "Dear Dumb Diary" by Jim Benton. Follow Jamie Kelly as she navigates Mackeral Middle School with the help of her best friend Isabella, her nemesis Angeline and the boy of her dreams Hudson.
又名: Roy Leh Sanae Rai / 千方百计爱上你 / 猎爱百计
In season three, James Cole and Cassandra Railly embark on a desperate search across time to find the man responsible for the apocalypse, a time traveler who calls himself the Witness. Killing the Witness will mean saving the world. But the journey will come at tremendous personal stakes for ...
该剧根据Giles Blunt的神秘系列小说Forty Words for Sorrow改编,故事描述警探John Cardinal(Billy Campbell)和他的新搭档Lise Delorme(Karine Vanasse)调查13岁少女Katie Pine的死因。Katie的尸体在一处废矿被人发现。Cardinal是个犯过错的人,心理负担很重。但他很有荣誉感,从不墨守成规。他酗酒,几乎没有家...