Lucas Simons, an 11 year-old filmmaker, is obsessed with death after the loss of his brother. When Lucas accidentally captures a mysterious presence in one of his films, he inadvertently becomes a YouTube phenomenon, and must learn to live life in the spotlight while also learning how to once...
It"s the end of the world. A flood is coming. Luckily for Dave and his son Finny, a couple of clumsy Nestrians, an Ark has been built to save all animals. But as it turns out, Nestrians aren"t allowed. Sneaking on board with the involuntary help of Hazel and her daughter Leah, two Grymps, the...
1956 年的魁北克。新手私人侦探耐莉马洛耶和研究科学家西蒙皮卡德的命运在他们意外相遇后开始交织。笨拙却直觉性高的耐莉和有条理却强迫症的西蒙开始探索大雪怪,雄心勃勃的赞助人爱德华·马蒂诺资助了这次探索。西蒙拿着弗莱德·诺顿难以辨认的日志。他是一位坚信曾看到过传说中动物的阿尔卑斯登山家...
威廉不顾一切地要把自己的未婚妻艾米丽从恶魔爪中解救出来,于是他向祖神父求助,但是祖神父对此也束手无策,转而求助因错被革职的神父,然而, 驱魔过程并不顺利。