黎巴嫩小村庄里的少年拉比,虽然双眼全盲却深具音乐天赋,因出国演 出需申请新护照,意外发现自己的身份证明是伪造!惊觉自己活在谎言 之中的惊恐与愤怒席卷而来,无论少年如何追问,却无人能说明真相。 在中东民谣的悠扬乐音中,少年唱出淡然却真切的哀伤及惆怅。导演透过盲眼者的比喻,影射黎巴嫩被战争撕裂及毁灭...
At her husbands funeral, Pearl (Shirley Maclean), Jewish mother of two divorced and antagonistic daughters, meets an old Italian friend (Marcello Mastroianni) of her husband, whose advice years previously had stopped the husband leaving home. For 23 years he, now a widower, has secretly loved...
《12把椅子》小说中的骗子主角奥斯塔普·本德尔的前传故事。 1919年。命运使得年轻的理想主义者奥修与土耳其臣民、骗子易卜拉欣·本德展开对决。正直的奥修永远不会和这样一个肆无忌惮、狡猾的骗子联系在一起,除非他们被一场极其危险的冒险结合在一起——追捕国王的遗物,一根珍贵的魔杖,当地的土匪和白军军官毫不关...
Venezuela's economic crisis explodes into riots on the streets of Caracas, as middle-aged Roque heads for the Amazon jungle to revive the abandoned lodge he built during happier, healthier days. As the jungle closes in on him, good friends encourage bad habits and whisper promises of fin...