【2021鹿特丹电影节金虎奖】 印度南部Arittapatti村的居民完全以农业为生,由于长期干旱,农业遭受了巨大的损失。田地变成了沙漠,瘦小的牲畜吃着最后的树叶。妇女们抓老鼠、烤老鼠,或者等待几个小时,直到轮到她们从井里拉出泥水。男人们则在附近闲逛、打牌、睡觉。 这群男人中的一个,Ganapathy,一个总是皱着...
On a weekend getaway at a rundown cabin in the woods, Jason, a cautious teen, his crude best friend Colin and his fearless older sister Summer are forced to work together, grow up and save their hard partying parents from their predatory neighbour (Lauren Holly) who is intent on feeding them ...
7 women find themselves dealing with a mystery killing. Who's the killer and what are the motives of...