这是一个漫长的夜晚,在充斥着同性恋亚文化的洛杉矶。Daisy 和Tyler 是摇滚乐手,她们的乐队入选了具有丰厚奖励的乐队大赛。不过,虽然在他们去比赛现场的路上,他们的车坏了,于是他们求助于Daisy 的妹妹 Colby,一个刚毕业的大学生。 Colby答应开车载他们去演唱场地,如果他们能帮她搭讪上自己暗恋着的女孩,一位...
After exchanging glances between "good mornings" and "good afternoons", Marcelo realizes its time to try to go further with Márcio, the doorman in his building. Two worlds will collide through these mens bodies.
When Jimmy finds a human kidney in the trunk of his latest boost, he is thrust into a violent underworld of criminals, and a race against the clock to save a little girls life.
The portrait of a young lady from the XIXth century falls in love with an art student and by escaping with him gets a very Cartesian investigator out of his routine.
Disponible depuis ce vendredi 2 septembre sur Netflix, Chef’s Table: France nous emmène dans les cuisines étoilées de quatre chefs fran?ais, à la rencontre d’hommes et de femmes qui réinventent la sacro-sainte gastronomie hexagonale.L’innovation, sans renier la tradition. C’est tout le défi q...