Based on the novel by Larry Duplechan, this film is a powerful coming-of-age story about 17-year-old Randy Rousseau. A devout high school choir boy, Randy is struggling to come to terms with his sexuality in a small, religiously-conservative Mississippi town he calls home. Randy juggles his r...
Danny Kelly is a talented swimmer attends a prestigious Melbourne private school on a sporting scholarship. Working class, half Greek and half Scottish, he cops his fair share of harassment from the privileged students. Danny yearns to win swimming gold at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. He is...
佐伊(赞达亚 Zendaya 饰)是一个平凡的青春期少女,成长在一个破碎的家庭之中。母亲在离婚后终于找到了人生的第二春,但佐伊却对自己的继父非常的不满。生活中非常孤独的佐伊只能将精力都发泄在手机之中,一次误打误撞下,佐伊在手机上安装了一个神秘的应用,很快,佐伊就发现,只要打开这个应用,任何男人都会无条...