泰吉?巴德兰德巴德(卡尔?潘 Kal Penn 饰)带着范?维尔德的精神和大学学位,远赴英国加尔福德大学——这里是他父亲曾经“战斗”过的地方,兄弟会“狐狸与猎犬”之屋留下了父亲风光的记忆,然而来这里担任助教的泰吉并不被对方认可,狐狸与猎犬的首脑皮普反而将泰吉戏弄了一通。泰吉来到自己负责的宿舍——被戏称为马厩的败...
On Kate's 21st birthday camping trip, her friends encounter Piglet, a monstrous human-pig hybrid who brutally murders one of them. They uncover Piglet's origins and Kate must confront her past to survive the relentless killer.
In this Tony Award-winning musical by Stephen Sondheim, several fairy tale characters learn the hard way that the 'Happily Ever After' they sought isn't necessarily so happy after all.