In the not too distant future, a very smoggy and overpopulated Earth government makes it illegal to have children for a generation. One couple, unsatisfied with their substitute robot baby, breaks the rules and gets in a lot of trouble. (Z.P.G. stands for Zero Population Growth).
印度宝莱坞演员里希卡浦尔主演,为Netflix在2018年的第四部印度原创作品。故事内容描述一名父亲想要透过社群软体与渐渐疏远的儿子变得熟络。你可以从这部片中看到家庭的期待与压力、穿插悲伤、幽默、怜悯及爱。 一位鲧夫希望和分很不满的千禧世代儿子恢复良好的互动,刚学会上网 的他于是在网络上假装成一位年轻女性...
该片讲述的是因为色听而无法听到音乐的诗贤(Dara 饰),与身为知名作曲家却陷入低谷而没办法写歌的志一(韩载锡 饰)通过音乐沟通并成长的故事。
Anneke Sluiters and Khadija El Kharraz Alami star as lovers living together on a remote island but who are forced to remain physically apart after one of them contracts a virus. Their isolation is disrupted by the arrival of a third person who has immunity and as a result can come into direct...
上半场:1980年代一对【感情不合的夫妇】在开车离婚的途中车祸遇难,留下6岁儿子。30年后,儿子长大后成了一名中年富翁,他认识了1名年轻的小伙和1个女孩,并相信他们就是自己转世的父母——但后者对前世的记忆并不知情。尽管如此,已经人到中年的儿子决心要把【今世】比他年轻许多的“老爸和老妈”撮合在一起。 下半场...