Set in 1989, Jake (Harmon), an out-of-work photojournalist who struggles with addiction and a troubled past, takes a job as watchman of a wilderness lodge on a remote island in the Pacific Northwest, alongside veteran handyman Sparky (Granger). Jake sets up a darkroom to develop the photos h...
乔安娜(Barbara Rudnik 饰)是政界里一股非常强劲的新兴势力,她的耀眼在为她赢得荣誉和民望的同时,也带来了危险和杀机。于是,一位名叫莫娜的女保镖被指派给了乔安娜,负责保护她的安全。 实际上,潜伏在乔安娜身边的莫娜有着自己的算盘,她遭到了犯罪分子的威胁,被迫成为间谍,在保护乔安娜的同时窃取她的私人...
汤姆·汉克斯将出演科幻新片《Bios》,《权力的游戏》《豪斯医生》导演Miguel Sapochnik执导,Craig Luck(《奇异博士》《碟中谍5》)和Ivor Powell(《异形》《银翼杀手》)操刀剧本。罗伯特·泽米吉斯、凯文·米舍担任制片人。设定在后世界末日的地球上,一位濒死的发明家打造了一个机器人,来保护他心爱的狗。在这一旅程...
建筑师乔纳森·里弗斯(迈克尔·基顿 Michael Keaton 饰)和妻子安娜(钱德拉·韦斯特 Chandra West 饰)正满心欢喜等待新生命的到来。然而一场车祸过后,安娜离奇失踪,生死不明,乔纳森的人生从此跌入谷底。在他最为悲痛之际,一个名叫雷蒙德·普里斯(伊恩·迈克内斯 Ian McNeice 饰)的男人出现在乔纳森面前,他声称...
Young ladies are being spirited away in the woods by Oddbod, creation of fiendish Dr Watt. Henpecked Sergeant Bung is on the case, but an early lead comes to nothing with the ghastly drowning while at work of lavatory attendant Dan Dann. Bung does seem to be having success with Valeria and he...