Nailed It! is a Netflix original series which premiered on March 9, 2018. It is reality bake-off competition where three amateur bakers compete to replicate complicated cakes and confectionery, in order to win a $10,000 cash prize. Inspired by the craze of people trying and failing to make el...
法国人这次又拿自己寻了回开心,世袭贵族Neuville的Arbac 一家11口人(外加狗一只)居住在和他们的头衔一样古老的城堡(年久失修,绝对的危房)中,靠政府救济和向路人兜售假古董过着基本上足不出户的生活,然而一笔巨额的到期欠款逼着他们无法再享受自己的“贵族生活”,一个个不切实际的点子由此而生......
At Altra Motors, Mr. Hulot designs an ingenious camper car with lots of clever features. A lorry hauls the prototype to an important auto show in Amsterdam, with Mr. Hulot alongside in his car and a spoiled, trendy PR exec, the young Maria, in her sports car packed with designer clothes and h...
In a near-future city where soaring opulence overshadows economic hardship, Gwen and her daughter Jules do all they can to hold on to their joy together, despite the instability surfacing in their world.
风流倜傥的美国人杰克(John Sibbit 约翰?斯比特 饰)邂逅美丽迷人的巴黎女郎苏西(Marie-France 麦瑞?弗朗斯 饰),两人共渡激情一夜。清晨醒来,苏西不辞而别,并卷走捷克的钱财,只留下写有留言的香烟盒。 倒霉的杰克用兜里仅有的钱来到法国南部,与女商Brigid(Josephine Jacqueline Jones 饰)一夜风流。随后...