这是他们中学的最后一年,要证明很多事情。在泰国电影SuckSeed里,2个乐队竞争热浪音乐奖,不是闹着玩的中学乐队比赛。Bodyslam在1996年取得该比赛的冠军,现在已经跃升为泰国顶尖摇滚乐队之列。10年前,现在已经解散的摇滚乐队Clash也赢过此比赛的冠军。 在电影里"Kao" Jirayu La-ongmanee饰演的Ped受到喜欢女生Ear...
David Billa a refugee comes to Rameswaram in Tamil Nadu and his journey begins into crime. Initially he starts as a local diamond smuggler. He eventually meets Abbasi, an underworld don in Goa and helps him out in a deal and wins his favor. For one of Abbasis deals Billa goes to Georgia where...
Iremar works at the Vaquejadas, a rodeo in the Northeast of Brazil, where two men on horseback try bring down a bull by grabbing its tail. It’s dusty and back-breaking work, but Iremar is a natural ‘Vaqueiro’ feeding, prepping and taking care of the bulls. Home is the truck used to transport ...
YTB Sesn&Joy 主演 Sean 在本剧演一个从大都市奉命来到乡间平定纷乱的警察,叫Pichit(泰文意思:战胜) 演女主的是JoyWichai,是一个行侠仗义的女侠盗,名字叫Sabai(泰文意思:披肩) *但在警察局的数据中女主角叫Seua-Sabai(泰文意思:虎-披肩) 两个主角的名字都有各自的涵义,取的很恰当 这戏主题是正义&复仇&a...
剧本由同名小说改编,男主角饰演的名字叫林兰哲, Best Chanidapa小布在该剧本扮演的角色是一位叫白灵的中国女孩.该剧将会到香港和澳门取景.