Classic British comedy adapted from a James Thurber story about a tweed manufacturer's elderly accountant who devises a plan to save the company from an American takeover bid. The arrival of an efficiency expert from the States causes enough of a stir but, when it turns out to be a woman...
Minnie and Moskowitz is a film by John Cassavetes, starring his wife, Gena Rowlands, and actor Seymour Cassel in the title roles of Minnie and Moskowitz, respectively.Following a www. break-up, Minnie Moore, a museum curator, becomes disillusioned by love and meaningful relations...
Coming from rural Thailand, Mon moves to Bangkok to start university. On his first day in the big city, he meets Sow, a local musician, who shows him around. During a drunk night, Sow kisses Mon. Mon, confused, leaves. However, Mon quickly finds out Sow is also a freshman in his same faculty...
简介: 二战期间,一支盟军突击队来到南斯拉夫巴尔干地区,在游击队的配合下,准备绑架德国海军将军,不幸行踪暴露,出师不利,损失惨重。康特上尉与游击队首领怀疑内部有叛徒,制定一个假情报,调走了德军海军将军的守卫,在内线他们的配合下,成功将德军海军将军抓获,并惩处了叛徒
Peggy is an Indian girl with an unusual upbringing by a Chinese mother, and is often insulted and bullied by peers in school. One day, Marco from Hong Kong moves in next door, and through some odd circumstances both neighbours find a truce, and eventually, love.