When the brilliant but sexually inexperienced computer science student PIET is turned down by bright and beautiful KLARA, he is deeply hurt. He takes a dose of a sleep medication, leading to a tumultuous night during which he loses his innocence in more ways than one.
Britt-Marie, a woman in her sixties, decides to leave her husband and start anew. Having been housewife for most of her life and and living in small backwater town of Borg, there isn’t many jobs available and soon she finds herself fending a youth football team.
我们真的了解父母吗? Anouk, 14岁, 在一个观察实践(实习)中发现了妈妈在保险公司工作时的另一个面目. 在成年人工作世界中整整一周的体验将怯懦胆小的小女孩的年轻命运彻底浇灌定型。启蒙,责任,理想与现实的裂痕,都是与孩童时代的道别.