该剧根据资深科幻编剧Joseph Mallozzi和Paul Mullie(《星际之门》系列剧集的创作)的同名图画小说改编,一艘被遗弃的太空飞船的六个船员们从冬眠状态中醒来。他们不记得自己是谁,也不记得是如何上船的。唯一的线索是装满武器的货舱以及一个目的地:即将被战火蔓延的外星殖民。旅途危机重重,还伴随着复仇、背叛与...
Boy Meets World joined the ABC networks successful "TGIF" lineup in 1993, and instantly distinguished itself from the dewy-eyed hokum that passes for much family viewing with its relative sophistication, emotional complexity, and smart, stylish dialogue. In a way, Boy Meets World, starring Be...
班纳路是关于尼尔班纳的一个迷人的性感的行动包装展示,他想改变自己,摆脱犯罪生涯。 The Bannen Way is a slick, sexy, action-packed show about Neal Bannen, a charming con-man with a police chief for a father, a mob boss for an uncle and a weakness for beautiful women, who wants to turn his life a...