Communist East Berlin, early 1980s: LUDGER is hired by the Stasi to infiltrate a subversive countercultural movement in the district of Prenzlauer Berg. After falling in love with the mysterious NATHALIE and sleeping with his first target, CORINNA, Ludger ends up living two lives – one as an...
A police inspector Dusan investigates an unusual case, the death of Marjan Ozim. The inspector develops an obsession with the case, especially when he realizes it was suicide. He starts to live in the deceaseds apartment, digging through his life, getting involved with people Marjan Ozim knew...
4/24开始每晚播出《帝一之国》真人电影的衍生剧,以帝一身边的野村周平、竹内凉真、间宫祥太朗、志尊淳 、千叶雄大五人为主角,每天一集,每集表现一位人物的小故事。菅田将晖将在竹内凉真那集中客串出演。