正是芬兰晴朗美好的时节,曾经从事贩毒的塞尔吉(Tero Tiittanen 饰)和一度沉缅毒品的美丽女孩佩皮(Sara Säkkinen 饰)告别不堪过去,与朋友们相约乘上豪华游轮公主玛丽号,他们二人即将在旅途中举行难忘而浪漫的婚礼。在船上佩皮邂逅曾经的朋友米罗(Patrik Borodavkin 饰),这似乎勾起了她对自己那段吸毒历史以...
故事梗概: 刚从学校毕业的瓦尔娃拉决定到西伯利亚的乡村当教师,她的决定得到了未婚夫的赞同。但由于未婚夫马尔蒂诺夫参加革命被关进监狱,瓦尔娃拉只得一人孤身前往。在那个偏远的小山村,人们对孩子的教育并不重视,对瓦尔娃拉也非常排斥。 一晃三年过去了,经过瓦尔娃拉的努力孩子们终于走进了学校,家长们也...
ASHBY is a coming of age/approaching death comedy drama. A seventeen-year-old kid (Ed) trying to understand who he wants to be in the world, befriends a terminally ill ex-CIA contract killer (Ashby) who is trying to make peace with his life and God before he goes. Making peace might just enta...
The gripping, first-hand accounts of women who escaped the brutal reign of ISIS. This hard-hitting film explores the lives of women who were held as sex slaves, the people who saved them, and women who endured--and also enforced--ISIS harsh rules.
Thomas Sullivan Magnum, III grew up with a father in the Navy, who died when he was ten, and entered the Naval Academy at 18. Magnum, a third generation Naval officer, graduated the Academy, became a Navy Seal, and was sent to Vietnam. He made two life-long friends, Theodore "TC" Calvin and O...