Jose Stern, an erstwhile indie-rocker relegated to playing children"s birthday parties, is on the verge of turning 40 and at a crossroads in his life.
In Conduct Report on Professor Ishinaka, the professor (Shigeo Miyata) is a novelist living in Aomori prefecture, the northernmost tip of Honshu, just south of Hokkaido, but the professor has only a minor role in the film named for his character. He appears in each of the three short vignet...
Two friends try executing their ‘get-rich-quick’ plan by kidnapping their boss’s daughter, but when the plan falls apart, they must scramble to fix the situation and repair their friendship.
In this gentle anti-war comedy, a class of French schoolboys divides into two factions who begin to battle each other, with the victors claiming the buttons off the clothes of the vanquished. One day, some of the boys pull a strategic coup by running into battle naked, therefore leaving their...
两个东德小子在柏林墙倒下后携带着简单行李、少的可怜的盘缠、及更屈指可数的英语词汇量来到美国,从纽约一路费尽周折前往旧金山,一个是为了寻父,一个是 为了一睹金门大桥。受共产主义的影响,他们最喜欢的英语口头禅就是friendship,于是一路上他们逢凶化吉、奇遇无数,friendship让他们 由头至尾不离不弃。
本片源自于瑞典导演奥拉西蒙森、乔安史特贾恩·尼尔森的成名短片《One Apartment and Six Drummers》。 出生于著名音乐世家的警官阿玛迪斯仇恨音乐,童年记忆是一长串代表荣耀的祖先名单,但他痛恨音乐,那对他是一种折磨。当一群倡导无政府主义的鼓手发动音乐快闪攻击,把整座城市当作乐器敲打,先是潜入开刀房,用...
Pavel是个房地产诈骗犯。他的新目标是一份古老的遗产——它唯一的主人是一位孤单的老女士。还有比这更容易得手的吗? Pavel很快就编好了诈骗词和合同等书面项目。他简直已经可以开始准备庆祝他的又一次成功了;但就在这时,他却遇到了种种莫名其妙的事! Pave每夜都会不由控制地到那些正在想他的人、只...
《我家乐翻天》原本是GTH09年的电影计画,之所以推迟到2010年才上映据说是因为选角上出现了很大的困难。影片男主角是一个出生在搞笑家族中却不会搞笑的小男孩。为了找到符合片中角色的小演员,GTH可谓费了相当大的功夫。最後找到的小演员Chawin Likitjareonpong可以说绝对是本片男主角的不二人选,而他的确也没有令...
In a near future, crimes and accidents can be prevented by making just one phone call to the past. However, the peace of this utopian world will be disrupted by a methodical killer who seems to have discovered the only flaw in this system.