After her husband is devastated by a tragic accident, a devoted wife obsesses over a mysterious portrait that resembles him as he was; but when it starts to terrorize her, she must decide if it's possessed or if she's losing her mind.
After his father's death, a young man spirals into insanity and childhood nightmares that bring his fears to life. The mind can be deadly, but toys can be killer.
1944年,二战已经接近尾声,穷途末路的德国纳粹变得格外残忍,众多盟军士兵在缴械后惨遭杀害。美军士兵迪克(Corbin Allred 饰)、斯蒂文(Alexander Polinsky 饰)、谢尔(Larry Bagby 饰)和戈登(Peter Asle Holden 饰)四人从纳粹的屠杀中侥幸逃脱,曾经在德国担任神父的迪克通晓德语,加之出色的枪法令他成为四...