这是Bravo历史上首个有剧本节目。该剧根据同名系列畅销书改编,故事描述著名励志自助书女作家Abby Iovine(Lisa Edelstein,《豪斯医生》)总是在书中体现出自己的「生活睿智」,可事实上她早已与丈夫分居,刚刚年满四十岁的她只能独自带着孩子在洛杉矶生活。她不停向已经离婚的朋友寻求生活建议,而她的生活也因此...
A group of young offenders are delivered to an island for a week of character building exercises after one of their fellow inmates commits suicide.. It all goes horribly wrong when they realise that there′s someone else on the island who has a pack of dogs and a crossbowwith which to hunt the...
影院正在上映奇侠电影《风云公主大冒险》,鸣人(竹内顺子 配音)情不自禁大声喧哗,结果连同波佐助(杉山纪彰 配音)、小樱(中村千绘 配音)一同被赶出电影院。正当鸣人望着电影海报发呆时,竟发现风云公主骑着快马从身边呼啸而过,其身后另有数名骑马的追兵。三人未作迟疑,起身相助。结果从卡卡西口中得知,追兵...
Rural love story continues in Yaem Yasothorn 2, the sequel to the hit comedy "Yaem Yasothon" directed by popular comedian turned director Mum Jokmok. The story continues after the marriage of Yaem and Joey when the couple has a beautiful daughter and Ya