简介: 二战期间,一支盟军突击队来到南斯拉夫巴尔干地区,在游击队的配合下,准备绑架德国海军将军,不幸行踪暴露,出师不利,损失惨重。康特上尉与游击队首领怀疑内部有叛徒,制定一个假情报,调走了德军海军将军的守卫,在内线他们的配合下,成功将德军海军将军抓获,并惩处了叛徒
Avery Malone, a wannabe writer and lonely librarian, gets her big break when she's hand-selected to assist her hero, reclusive author, Caleb Conrad. Whisked away to Caleb's remote estate, Avery is given her one and only task; to participate in a controlled psychological experiment in ...
A teenager with the ability to enter other people's dreams. When he witnesses a dark spirit taking people's lives in their dreams, he quickly realizes that it's related to the mysterious deaths that are happening in the real world.
811 AD, a family, isolated in their home, deep in the woods a few days travel from Birka. They are poor. The hunting and fishing has been bad for some time, and the father, Joar, takes the desperate measure of going on a Viking raid. Joar does not return for a long time, and the family start...
梅莫(阿拉斯·布鲁特·伊涅姆利 Aras Bulut Iynemli 饰)虽然生得人高马大,但却只有相当于6岁孩童一般的智慧,他带着女儿奥瓦(妮莎·索菲亚·阿克松古尔 Nisa Sofiya Aksongur 饰),同奶奶法蒂玛(塞利尔·托扬·乌伊萨尔 Celile Toyon Uysal 饰)生活在一起,日子虽然过得紧巴巴的,但一家人能够团聚就是最大的快乐。...
影片男主角的原型是一位伊朗裔,加拿大籍的记者巴哈里(Maziar Bahari)。2009年,巴哈里作为美国《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)驻伊朗记者,报道当年的伊朗总统大选。6月13日,选举委员会宣布艾哈迈迪-内贾德(Mahmoud Ahmadinejad)获胜后,其竞争对手的支持者上街游行,巴哈里拍下了这场被称为“伊朗绿色革命”的抗议活...
The exact details of what took place while Talib Ben Hassi, 19, was in police custody remain unclear. Police officers Jens and Mike are on routine patrol in Svalegården’s ghetto when news of Talib’s death comes in over the radio, igniting uncontrollable
布鲁诺(Claude Legault 饰)和西尔维(Fanny Mallette 饰)是一对感情十分要好的夫妻,两人养育着乖巧可爱的女儿杰斯敏(Rose-Marie Coallier 饰),生活很是平静与幸福。无奈天降横祸,一次意外中,杰斯敏竟然被一变态凶手玷污并且杀害了,面临着巨大的打击,布鲁诺和西尔维的精神都到达了濒临崩溃的边缘。 尽管最...